Repairing key damage
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Repairing key damage

I work at a pretty rough school and getting my car keyed is, unfortunately, one of the hazards of the job. It can be a little pricey to get it repaired, but it doesn't tend to be worth it to claim it back from insurance, particularly if it happens a few times a year. Luckily there is a great auto body and paint shop near me which does a really quick and good quality job of fixing the damaged. This blog is all about repairing key damage to a car, and might be handy for someone who needs to get auto damaged repaired quickly.

Repairing key damage

  • Spray Painting Tips for Novice Car Painters

    27 December 2021

    As a novice spray painter under the apprenticeship of an experienced instructor, grasping the fundamental spray painting techniques and producing exceptional results should be your top objective. In addition, most established garages are looking for spray painting technicians who can work under pressure without compromising quality. Therefore, it is vital to watch what instructors are doing and replicate the same when offered the opportunity. This article provides spray painting insight to help you achieve excellent results.

  • The Ins and Outs of Truck Brake Failure

    16 August 2021

    Brake failures are some of the top truck failure contributors. Unfortunately, mechanical problems in vehicles are not uncommon. And your truck may pick up a problem or two over time. However, staying ahead of mechanical problems in your truck will go a long way in helping you avoid costly repairs and potentially dangerous situations on the road. Therefore, it's crucial to identify when something is wrong with your truck parts by identifying the tell-tale signs.

  • Common Types of Smash Repair Paint Protection Techniques

    27 May 2021

    The smash repair process can be grouped into three main stages: surface preparation, bodywork and spray painting. Notably, each step determines the outcome of the next phase. That said, everything that a smash repairer does culminates in the final stage: spray painting. It is why smash repair service providers prefer to protect their paint job. The last thing customers want is to return to a smash repair auto shop with damaged paint.